Friday, 15 January 2016

Garden-pedia: An A-to-Z Guide to Gardening Terms

Annual or biennial?  Or would you prefer perennials?  Evergreen or deciduous?  Herbaceous or woody?   Cool season or warm?  These are some of the basic, essential horticultural terms you will come across time over - be it reading your favourite gardening blog,  shopping at one of the better nurseries, browsing through a seed/plant catalogue, consulting a professional gardener or just simply trying to read a plant tag.  Knowing what these terms mean can make the difference between having a successful garden or complete garden failure which in turn could cause frustration and lead you to believe that you don't have a green thumb at all.  Believe it or not, we all have a green thumbs inside of us and a little basic education will help set you on the right track!

No, I'm not suggesting that you need a Diploma of Horticulture just to create and maintain a healthy and thriving home garden.  In fact, lucky for you, help has just arrived in the form of newly-published handbook entitled, Garden-pedia:  An A-to-Z Guide to Gardening Terms.

Friendly and academic enough for gardeners of all levels (beginner to professional) to use, it is void of the textbook stuffiness and chock full of proper gardening terms, all in a quick reference, easy-to-read format complete with colour photos.

With this handy-dandy book by your side you'll be confidently moving forward in your gardening ventures, making decisions such as exploring the possibility of xeriscaping your front yard, while at the same deciding if you want to grow determinate or indeterminate tomato plants this summer.

So don't let fancy 'horty' terms stop you from being the successful gardener that you are!  I can personally say that this affordable little book will be one of your well-used favourites in no time!

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