Digitaria sanguinalis (Large Crabgrass or Hairy Crabgrass)
Digitaria ischaemum (Smooth Crabgrass)
These plants are from the family Poaceae. Crabgrass plants (both D. sanguinalis & D. ischaemum) are annual, completing their life cycle and setting seed in Fall. The seeds then lie dormant until Spring. One crabgrass plant can produce 150,000 seeds in one season!
CRABGRASS IN THE LAWN: It is important to note that crabgrass is NOT the cause of poor lawn health, but a symptom! Crabgrass will return annually if lawn health is not improved. Improper (shallow) watering, under-fertilizing, poor drainage and 'bald spots' are all favourable growing conditions for crabgrass. Crabgrass is quickly and permanently out-competed by a healthy lawn because as an annual plant, crabgrass dies off in fall and needs open soil without other vegetation for the germination of its seeds the next spring to survive.
Crabgrass seeds are edible, and are also known as Polish Millet. The grass is highly nutritious and good for livestock. In fact, many farmers encourage it to grow!
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